Template: Customer Success Manager Introduction 

Your first introduction to your client as a Customer Success Manager lays the foundation for your entire working relationship. It’s important to make a great first impression to kick off a successful engagement – so what better way to do so than through a personalized, engaging video message?

This template presents tips on how to introduce yourself as a Customer Success Manager, including a sample video from a CSM introducing herself to her new client. Read on to learn how to present your video message fluently and set the right tone for the entire customer experience.

The Importance of the Introduction

When speaking to a customer or client for the first time, a customer success manager (CSM) should aim to establish a positive, productive working relationship. The tone of your first interaction will influence all remaining interactions – so it’s really important to ensure you are prepared beforehand. Gather the information you have at hand about your customer such as their needs, goals, and challenges that they may have outlined during the discovery stage. Make sure you have a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities, and if you don’t, prepare some questions for them so that you can get this understanding moving forward.

As you prepare to record your introductory video, there are a few core goals you should keep in mind:

1. Establish rapport

When initiating contact, all CSMs should make an effort to build rapport and establish a personal connection with the client. This can be achieved by asking open-ended questions about the client’s background, interests, and preferences.

2. Communicate clearly

The CSM should make sure that they communicate clearly and concisely, avoiding jargon or technical terms that the client may not understand. They should also be mindful of the client’s communication preferences, whether it’s via email, phone, or video conferencing.

3. Set expectations

The CSM should set clear expectations for the client regarding the goals of the engagement, the timeline, and the deliverables. They should also establish a process for feedback and communication throughout the engagement.

4. Demonstrate value

The CSM should focus on demonstrating the value of their services to the client, highlighting how they can help the client achieve their goals and overcome their challenges.

Some of these points may sound easier than done – so let’s go into more detail, starting first with the elements you should include in your introductory video.

What to Include in Your Intro Video

1. Opening statement

It all starts with your opening line. When greeting a client for the first time, start with a friendly, professional opening statement. Be as human as possible – smile! Make sure you infuse as much genuine enthusiasm as you can in your greeting. You can pair your opening statement with a visual, such as a poster that says “Hey!” – making your message as personalized as possible.

2. Explain the purpose of the video

Nobody likes wandering in the dark. Explain the purpose of the video – same as you would for any call or meeting – and outline briefly what you hope to achieve both in this first meeting and throughout the engagement.

3. Ask for feedback

You should make a point to ask the client for their feedback on the engagement and their expectations for the relationship. Customer success is about listening to your client and responding accordingly. Prompt them to leave a comment, send an email, or record a video message of their own to share their input.

4. Discuss the client’s needs and goals

Then, go ahead and transition to a discussion of the client’s needs and goals, focusing on what you understand to be their hopes for the engagement. It’s important to list these out so the client can confirm and ensure you’re on the same page.

5. Outline your role and responsibilities

Finally, explain the logistics of how things will move forward. What is your role and what are your responsibilities as the CSM for your client? Give them a clear idea of the services and value you will be providing, and what they can expect from you.

By including these 5 elements in your introductory video, you’ll create a solid connection with your client. If you’re wondering how exactly you should explain things or what questions to ask, here are some general communication tips that may be helpful to you.

How to Built Rapport

In this first video — and throughout your remaining interactions — building rapport is an essential part of creating and maintaining a successful working relationship with a client. The best way to build rapport is to ask open-ended questions. Don’t assume you know what their responses will be, which is what clients might think you’re doing if you ask closed-ended questions. Keep the questions open and be sure to inform them of how they can respond to you, whether it’s a comment on the video, a direct-message, or a video reply.

You can further build rapport by sharing personal stories. What’s your background, what are your interests? If you find common ground with your client, it will make all future communication much easier. Don’t overdo it, of course, as the main purpose of the video is still professional in nature. But wherever you can inject something personal, it’s worth doing so for the benefit of your viewer.

How to Communicate Clearly

Clear communication is essential for any successful working relationship between a CSM and their client. By using video messages, you’re already a step ahead of everyone else because video enables you to communicate much more effectively and persuasively than non-visual meetings. When recording your video, keep in mind to use plain language and avoid technical terms or jargon that the client may not understand. 

Feel free to also use visual aids such as diagrams or charts to help explain complex concepts or processes. With ScreenSight, you can screen-share with your webcam overlaid so you can walk through any visual aids you have. You can also use real-life props in your video such as posters or examples to further emphasize your points.  Ultimately, to truly communicate with your client in a clear, efficient manner, you want to be structured and concise. Don’t overwhelm your client with too much information – and recap all the points you make so they have an easy summary that they can pause/rewind and come back to later.

How to Set Expectations

Be upfront and clarify the goals and timelines of your engagement. The role of a CSM is to steer the journey of the customer, so it is better to be upfront from the very beginning to ensure you’re on the same page. Reiterate in your video what the client’s goals and timeline expectations are for achieving them, making sure that they are realistic and achievable. This can help to avoid misunderstandings or unrealistic expectations.

Make a point to outline the deliverables and agree on what they are. Establish a process for feedback and communication throughout the engagement, making it clear how the client can get in touch with you to provide input or express concerns. With ScreenSight, they can communicate through video, audio or text messages, and send information through links and emails as well, so they can use whatever format they’re comfortable with.

Another recommendation for setting expectations is to be open about potential challenges or obstacles that may arise during the engagement, and how they will be addressed. This can help to avoid surprises down the line and reassure your customer that you are on top of the work, able to anticipate and resolve issues as you journey through your project.

How to Demonstrate Value

All CSMs should showcase their expertise and knowledge in their field, demonstrating to the client that they are a valuable partner in achieving their goals. You can do so by briefly sharing success stories or case studies of similar clients who have achieved their goals with the help of your services. You can screen-share and show some tangible examples that are relevant to your client, all with your web-cam overlaid so they continue to see you.

Another way to demonstrate your value is to find opportunities to offer insights and recommendations. You can use your introductory video — as well as ensuing videos — to offer up quick recommendations so that the client feels you are proactive and genuinely interested in their success. After all, their success is your success, and the more that you demonstrate that, the more success you’ll both have.


Your introductory video to your client is a great opportunity to set the foundation for their overall customer experience. Not to mention your customer will thank you for the time and effort you took to prepare it! By having a great opening statement, a clearly dictated purpose and agenda, visual aids, and clear communication, your video will have all it needs to be productive. Follow our tips for establishing rapport and setting expectations through the power of video, and you’ll have the key to success as a Customer Success Manager!

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